If you struggle with joint pain, simple pain-relieving solutions are available at Joel Wellness Clinic in Livonia and Saline, Michigan. Binju Joel, MD, and her expert team offer a variety of joint injections to alleviate discomfort and give you a better quality of life. Call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today.
book onlineWhat are joint injections?
Joint injections are non-invasive treatments that help reduce joint pain, often resulting from arthritis. Injections serve a variety of purposes. They block pain signals, reduce inflammation, and enhance cell regeneration and healing.
Why might I need joint injections?
Dr. Joel may recommend you receive joint injections if you struggle with the following:
- Joint stiffness
- Decreased range of motion
- Swelling
- Joint pain
- Reduced mobility
- Warmth
- Redness
- Arthritis pain
- Joint injuries
Sometimes joint injuries heal on their own over time without treatment. However, if you experience severe or long-lasting joint discomfort, see Dr. Joel and her team for an evaluation.
Are joint injections right for me?
To find out if you’re a candidate for joint injections, Dr. Joel reviews your medical history and symptoms. She evaluates painful joints during a physical examination. She might recommend blood tests, urine tests, joint fluid testing, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, or ultrasounds to get a better picture of your overall joint health.
What are the different types of joint injections?
Common types of joint injections your specialist may recommend for pain relief include:
Steroid injections
Steroid injections reduce joint inflammation and pain associated with it. Dr. Joel offers knee and elbow joint aspirations when you have fluid accumulation in those joints or in the bursae.
How often do I need joint injections?
Dr. Joel lets you know how often to schedule joint injections based on the severity of your condition and pain level. She may recommend you receive injections every few months. Additional joint pain treatments include oral medications, physical therapy, ice or heat packs, rest, compression, and elevation.
Don’t live with joint discomfort when pain-relieving joint injections can offer you a better quality of life. Call the Joel Wellness Clinic office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today.